The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86626   Message #1612047
Posted By: Ebbie
23-Nov-05 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's REALLY Going on in Iraq?
Subject: BS: What's REALLY Going on in Iraq?
We have the Bushies telling us "anti-Bush Haters (kind of a double negative, innit) that progress is being made in Iraq. 'Stay the course', they say. 'Honor the sacrifice made by our fallen', they say. 'Trust our president and believe in his administration', they say.

Then, once in awhile something really telling, like this, comes along:

"Gunmen in Iraqi army uniforms shot dead a 70-year-old Sunni Arab tribal leader and three of his sons as they slept in their home, relatives said on Wednesday.

"A Defense Ministry official denied Iraqi troops were involved in the slayings in the Hurriya district of Baghdad overnight and said the killers must have been terrorists in disguise. <"Iraqi army uniforms litter the streets and any terrorist can kill and tarnish our image, killing two birds with one stone," he said.

QUESTION: Why are Iraqi army uniforms "littering our streets"? What does tht tell us about the situation there?

Just Wonderin'