The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5367   Message #1612086
Posted By: MissouriMud
23-Nov-05 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Tennessee Stud (Jimmie Driftwood)
Subject: RE: Chords/Lyrics to Tennessee Stud
I'm going purely from memory,which is dangerous in my case (my fingers remember better than my brain, but I dont have my guitar with me right now) - I think I chord the first two lines of the chorus differently -

D   D   C   D
G   G   Bb A (followed by the run discussed by WesleyS but make sure the f is F natural (3rd fret 4th string) and not F sharp)

and the one beat C chord in the final lines can be replaced by a 0-3 run on the 5th string