The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86646   Message #1612903
Posted By: Ron Davies
24-Nov-05 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: Artists with Consecutive initials?
Subject: RE: Artists wih Consecutive initials?
My great-grandfather just about makes the cut--Arthur Bowen Davies. He was the president of the Armory Exposition in 1913--first exhibition of modern art in the US. His own stuff was popular at the time but his reputation took a big dive after his death. Had bought Picassos, Cezannes etc--but, of course, needed to finance his own work--so he sold them all in 1925--for prices like, say $200, $300 or so. Then, as I said, his own work turned out to not sell quite as well.

So we're all still working stiffs.

But them's the breaks.

But at least I can see some of his art in some museums. And he's in most encyclopedias.