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Thread #86221   Message #1613203
Posted By: akenaton
24-Nov-05 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
In today's Times...
"Senior military officials made clear yesterday, that the Bush Administration's goal is to cut troop numbers in Iraq from 160,000 to
BELOW 100,000 by the end of 2006."

The game is up boys, as Bobert says its 'Nam all over again, but the bastards are trying to sqirm out with their "integrity" intact.
This is the reason for the spin offensive.
We are being told that Iraqi troops are gradually taking over the security role, when in fact we will leave a factional nightmare, with militias and religious fundamentalists torturing and murdering at will.   A haven for all manner of terrorists, another Afghanistan, manufactured by America and Britain.

WE are accused by Teribus of being Saddam apologists, when in reality Teribus is the apologist, in trying to justify a policy which has been a disasater to ourselves and the Iraqi people.

Our intervention in Iraq, and its consequences must not be allowed to fade from memory like Vietnam, but should be held up like a light to show the faces of the guilty and those who support them...Ake