The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86670   Message #1613289
Posted By: GUEST,orvillej
24-Nov-05 - 11:11 PM
Thread Name: Resophonics Anonymous #2- Relapse!
Subject: Resophonics Anonymous #2- Relapse!
I'd like to announce the release of Resophonics Anonymous #2-Relapse! This is another collection of resophonic music from Northwest and Canadian dobroists (and one North Carolinian) and a special appearence from the inventor of bluegrass dobro, Uncle Josh Graves. The list includes myself(Orville Johnson), Tab Tabscott, Ivan Rosenberg, Billy Cardine, Doug Cox, Mike Lundstrom, Michael Dunn, Mike Grigoni, and Steve Dawson along with Uncle. Mike Auldridge wrote some nice liner notes and the musical styles range from bluegrass to blues, Latin, Indian, Hawaiian, and some stuff that we don't have a name for!

The disc will be available from all the various artists at their websites and gigs but we've allocated the funds from the first 100 discs to go to Josh Graves as another small contribution from the dobrolic plectral community to his continuing medical bills. Those will all come thru Tab Tabscotts website at
so head on over there for a looksee and the first 100 buyers there will not only be getting a cool all-dobro CD but kicking in a little something for our pioneering pal.

Be one of the first 100!