The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86663   Message #1613326
Posted By: dianavan
25-Nov-05 - 01:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
Subject: RE: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
We all know whats happening anyway. Bush has sent his neo-conservative think tank to Canada. They have headquarters in Ontario, Alberta (Lethbridge?) and now Langley, B.C. They are busy forming a fundamentalist coalition. Now that the Liberals have blown it with 'pork barreling', they actually have a very good chance of being elected.

Sad to say that our wonderful Vancouver City Council and Mayor, School Trustees and Parks Board have all been ousted by right leaning parties. I have a hard time understanding why. It was a very functional city government who actually accomplished many, many community projects. Its frightening to think of a city government aligned with the criminals in Victoria and now, maybe Ottawa, too.

Sometimes you just have to shake your head and walk away.

The voters in B.C. are so wierd. Doesn't matter who is in power, they always vote them out. I think everybody just hates politicians, period, and its just their way of saying the whole process stinks.

If Harper becomes Prime Minister, I'm dropping out for the second time. The first time was because of Nixon.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Conservatives (I actually liked Joe Clark) but Harper is another animal. I hope the public can see through him but I fear its a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea.