The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1613819
Posted By: Bobert
25-Nov-05 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Ahhh, just a refresher here...

Bush invaded Iraq because:

1.)Inspite of the German Federal Intellegence Service's insistence that much of the information obtained by the CIA that was used to say the Iraq possessed WMD was obtained by a most unreliable source, "Curveball", Bush over-rode the disentin' opinions and stated that possession of WMD's by Iraq was FACT...

2. Inpsite of the CIA's own assessment that the aluminum tubes were not of the quality to make a centrifuge AND coupled with the report by Joe Wilson, who was sent to Niger to investigate, that the yellow cake story was not true, Bush, upon a forged report from Blair said that Iraq was trying to build nuclear weapons was FACT...

3. Then Cheney, over and over, made references to links between Al Quida and Saddam as FACT...

Okay, none of these so called FACTS turned out to be "facts" but fiction...

Should be the end of the story, right??? I mean if we went to war because of these fears now that they are found to be incorrect, there's no reason to keep killin' Iraqia and havin' our bothers and siters killed in the process...

Remember back when Nixon was elected with his so called "secret plan" to get us outta Vietnam... That was '68... But soon as he took office we started hearing the same crap that we're hearin' now which is "we can't just cut and run".... Well, another 20,000 Americans died beforwe the US did just that!!! That's 20,000, folks!!!

Looking back wouldn't it have been better to "cut and run" in '68 rather than some 5 years later???

The United Sates needs to give notice to the new governwemnt, irregardless of it legitemacy, that it will pull out all of its troops over the next 12 months... It needs to say this with no uncertaain terms... We didn't have any legitimte excuse fir going there in the first palce and that has now been painfully proven to everyone who is breathing...

But the United States needs to do more...

It needs to go back and revisit the Saudi Proposal and find parts that can be resurrected... It needs to bring in the Saudi Royal Family as major players and it needs to have a Middle East Peace Summit... And it needsto spend the bucks it now spends on PR folks that try to make anti-war folks look like traiors and spend that money on PR folks that make commercials in Middle East countries that makes involvemwent in the "right thing to do"...

But, "STAY THE COURSE" is a recipe for disaster, just like it was in Vietnam in 1968...
