The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86626   Message #1614268
Posted By: Don Firth
26-Nov-05 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's REALLY Going on in Iraq?
Subject: RE: BS: What's REALLY Going on in Iraq?
I've wondered for some time now how and why Teribus and a few others seem to have so much time to spend posting long, ultraconservative diatribes and extensive lists of misinformation here in this supposed hotbed of liberals and progressives, not to mention wondering what the incentive might be. A lot of what Teribus posts can be easily refuted or contradicted by spending a lot of time fact-checking him—a lot of time. In the past, Teribus has tried to engage me in bouts of fact-checking. I fell in with this for a while, finding that most of his "facts" turned out to be goat-feathers. Then I noticed that checking his so-called "facts" was turning into a full-time job. It occurred to me that this is time that could be spent more productively working, in whatever capacity, supporting progressive candidates and/or devoting my efforts to explaining my viewpoint to people who were open-minded and receptive.

Remember:   there are mid-term elections coming up next year, and time would be better spent working, in whatever capacity, to offer the voters a genuine alternative by supporting liberal and progressive candidates running for Congress. This is an opportunity to change the balance of power in Washington, D. C. for the better.

Don't waste your time on people likeTeribus, Old Guy, and rarelamb—or beardedbruce. You are never going to change their minds on anything, so why bother? Looking at the amount of time and effort Teribus puts in on this, I wonder if he does it because it's his job. Spread Bush League propaganda and keep liberals and progressives busy arguing with him rather than actually doing something productive, such as attempting to persuade the persuadable and campaigning for the opposition.

Another aspect of the Right Wing's diversionary tactics.

Rather than wasting time arguing with these folks, it would be more productive to attempt to persuade people who are not totally closed-minded.   

Don Firth