The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86663   Message #1614363
Posted By: Cluin
26-Nov-05 - 07:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
Subject: RE: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
The one I don't understand is Jack Layton. How does he figure to better his position by pushing for an election now? He's in the strongest position now his party has held in many years.

Easy to see why Harper and his Reform loonies want another election whenever and wherever (though this is Harper's last chance to win before his party boots his ass off the top of the heap with Peter MacKay panting at his heels; that's why he stuck around) and Duceppe can't either better or worsen his status (though the Bloc shouldn't even be allowed to run as a Federal party anyway).

Yes, the Liberals have been in too long. Unfortunately there is no alternative. I wish there was. I might even vote old style PC. But not for the rabble of right wing wacko malcontents that is passing for Conservative now. Besides, just as much corruption occured under the Tories in the past.

But I figure Layton only stands to lose NDP seats by pushing for an election now. Martin said he would call an election after the final Gomery report in February. Gives Canada a better picture of what went on and sets us up for an election in spring. And Layton could then at least say he didn't send Canadians to the polls at Christmas time.

Well, party politics stinks anyway.