The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86616   Message #1614524
Posted By: GUEST,total baldy love god
27-Nov-05 - 03:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who likes hairless men?
Subject: RE: BS: Who likes hairless men?
I have 100% alopaecia and probably look like an alien to some folks

[think David Bowie in "The Man Who Fell To Earth"]

But [being objective],
because I have fine good looking facial bone structure
and a gym honed muscular physique;
I am well aware how many women take a 2nd look at me as they pass by..
and I'm sure more than a few have a confused sense of guilty self repressed attraction
for what they see is clearly abnormal, and so different to the everyday men in their domestic lives.

You'd be surprised at the types of women who strategically [and clumsily]
position themselves
to take a good look at me from different angles and points of view..

I dare say if I sought employment as a male escort,
I'd find plentiful work with women of all ages and backgrounds
who secretly desire to try something different.

I could cope with being the object of womens slightly depraved repressed fantasies..

But, my wife,

who was first attracted by my long flowing hippy hair,
and who has now got used to and preferes my clean smooth overall natural baldness,

my wife would kill..

I am her baldy love god..
and no other woman will ever be tolerated to get near enough to me to find out why..