The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86717   Message #1614588
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
27-Nov-05 - 06:35 AM
Thread Name: Great Grimsby Uk Music News
Subject: Great Grimsby Uk Music News
Hi there world!
This is a thread primarily for the posting of up and coming musical
events in the Area of Great Grimsby on the south bank of the River Humber on the North East Coast of North East Lincolnshire in the United kindgom.
I would welcome any body wishing to post events that we might conceivably be able to attend,and listen to or even play at within reasonable traveling distance of our town.
Mrs Twangler and I have been constantly suprised by the number of truly talented musicians we have had the priviledge of hearing and meeting in this area in the last two years.
And overwhelmed by the freindly and generous nature of artists who actualy didnt really need to bother being so kind.
Enough of the groveling please add links to local Folk clubs,Venues,other websites+messageboards.
If you are artist who has a gig coming up in our area please let us know and someone will be adding the info to local community message boards and sites to let the folks know what the Folk is going on.