The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1614606
Posted By: GUEST,Arne Langsetmo
27-Nov-05 - 07:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!

When we have another terrorist attack here in the US which is all but inevirable,...

Perhaps. Just as we will always have murders. I'm not willing to turn the U.S. into a totalitarian fortress island in a futile attempt to try and eliminate any possibility of untimely death through violence. And while there's maybe a bit we can do to reduce the risk of terrorism (and fighting in Iraq is not one of them), it's silly to help the maladministration perpetuate the myth that terrorism is due to "Islamofascism" ... just remember, for instance, Oklahoma City.....

... your butt cheeks will tighten up once more...

Speaking for yourself, I assume. Certainly not me. I spent the rest of that week hoping to get out of NYC airports to go to the Walnut Valley Festival in Winfield, but the airports were closed/clogged, and many more people had more important claims to space when the airports finally opened up. But in October, I was off to Tchad, a 50% Muslim country. Cautious? Maybe. Not particularly scared, though. Don't really know, GD, why you think that we were the ones terrified. Projection?

... and you will be hiding behind George Bush for protection once again.....

Not much room back there behind a terrified preznit trying to concentrate on "My Pet Goat" as people in NYC were fighting for their lives. That seven minutes was interminable. You think I'd count on that bozo for anything?

... You will all be bitching that he did not do enough.

I tend to bitch about the fact that he doesn't to the right thing. Or at the right time. He's (to borrow his won words) a "catastropic success". How I miss the horrible eight years of peace and prospertity that preceded Dubya's tenure. Good thing he "turn[ed] things around", eh?
