The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86663   Message #1614862
Posted By: dianavan
27-Nov-05 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
Subject: RE: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
Cluin and Peter T. -

I don't really understand why you think siding with the Conservatives, at this time, is suicide. Somehow, I don't think it makes any difference one way or another if the Liberals stay in office.

If on the other hand, the Conservatives manage to gain power because the NDP backed their call for an elections, I will be furious.

Do you really think the Conservatives have a chance? I think people will be so put off by a winter election that they will vote Liberal just to spite the Conservatives. I hope so.

As to the NDP, they have never been anything more than an effective (ineffective) opposition at the federal level. Maybe thats what you're saying, that backing a new election is an ineffective move. I guess I'd have to agree because I certainly do not want to see Harper as PM of Canada. What a nightmare!