The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86663   Message #1615032
Posted By: ToulouseCruise
27-Nov-05 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
Subject: RE: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
In a way, I am fortunate that there is a person of excellent reputation who shall be running in my riding, now that the Hon Claudette Bradshaw (Liberal, cabinet minister, and also of excellent reputation) has chosen not to re-offer. I have no problem with whom I shall vote for, since I am keeping my vote consideration at the local level.

Now, if we actually had to cast a direct vote on who should lead our wonderful country (both party and person), it would be a matter of voting in whom I would feel would do the least amount of harm, as opposed to the most amount of good. That happens to be Mr Paul Martin, who, as I luck (?) would have it, is the leader of the party for the local guy that I plan to vote for.

It is a shame that I have the mindset of voting for the lesser of the evils, if I look at this whole thing for the big picture that it truly is. I do look forward to the future, hopefully seeing Peter McKay from Nova Scotia and Frank McKenna from New Brunswick leading their respective parties. Maybe a little input from the Maritime provinces can put forward more of a national focus, at least more so than the mindless "Vote-for-me, cuz-they-cheat-and-are-mean-and-Gomery-and-such" agenda from a certain wanna-be-cowboy from Alberta.
