The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1615250
Posted By: GUEST,Arne Langsetmo
28-Nov-05 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!

During the former period they were very clear to point out that Iraq had nothing to do with the 911 attacks.

And the rest of it is "It's aaalllllllll CLINTONS'S fault! He made me do it. Geez, but us Republicans loathed him, loathed his foreign policy, attacked his strategery, but his hypnotic peni$ dangling there made us believe everything he said (or that we hallucinated that he said) ... so we acted on it." Waugh, waugh waugh..... Have some cheese with that whine, Teribus. Not to mention that Clinton didn't say anything like the lying scumbags in the Dubya maladministration did, and as definitively as they did, or go blow $300B and 2000+ soldiers' lives on a strategic disaster of a war which didn't even accomplish the purpose that it was started for, based on this totally ncompetent (or dishonest) assessment of Iraq.

The good thing is that 2/3 of the U.S. population (and the greater number overseas) that aren't brain-dead are finally coming around and saying "Wha' da effin' happened? That was a load'o'crap!".... The only ones still sucking Dubya's hind teat are folks like you that have some reason only they can explain for their continuing obtuseness. But I'm thinking it sure has to gnaw on you to keep up the "brave front" day after day, while deep inside, you know you really f***ed the pooch on this one and that Lady Macbeth would change places with you in a heartbeat....
