The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73264   Message #1615896
28-Nov-05 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: NON-Partisan political comments
Subject: RE: BS: NON-Partisan political comments
I've just been thru this thread.

Non-Partisan political comment might be a contradiction in terms.

Aritotle (I think) said "Man(meaning 'people',people)Man is a political animal".

I think that's probably because we cannot, a priori, tell the whole truth, we have to select, because of our limitations, and we're going to select according to one bias or another.

"Facts" is another hot potato - see E.H.Carr's "What is History"; essentially 'facts' don't just lie there - we select them.
My choice of route thru is to become more aware, and to nurture increasing awareness in others.

We're also lumbered with a vast knowledge deficit. People owe a lot of their opinions to the varying depths of their ignorance. I include myself in that.