The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86626   Message #1616436
Posted By: Bobert
29-Nov-05 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's REALLY Going on in Iraq?
Subject: RE: BS: What's REALLY Going on in Iraq?
Well, well, well...

Lets review once again why we supposedly invaded Iraq:

1. Iraq was trying to make nuclear weapons to attack the US.... Yes, even though by the time that Bush pulled the trigger the Niger story had been debunked, the aluminum tubes story had been debunked and the UN inspectors had found nuthun' those 16 words were the crux of the big scare campaigne to sell the war...

    1.a ) This supposed reason turned out to be FALSE...

2. Iraq was making biological weapons to attack the US...

    2.a) This supposed reason also has turned out to bne FALSE...

3. Iraq had stocpiles of chemical weapons ready to be unleashed upon the US...

    3.a) The supposed reason also FALSE...

4. Saddam had ties to Al Quida...

    4.a) FALSE, again...

So if the the initial reason fro going to war no longer exist, why aren't we talking more seriously about getting the heck outta of Iraq???

Well, well, well, let's do a little review of the "New & Improved" reasons for why we are still at war:

5. Saddam was a bad man and he killed his own people...

   5.a) Well, yes, his was a bad man and he did kill some of his own people... Hmmmmm, can anyone think of any other dictators that the US is buddied who are bad men and have killed their owm people??? Why haven't we declared war on them???

6. Iraq needs to have a democratic governemnt...

   6.a) So does the US but we haven't declared war on ourselves...

7. We can't just "cut and run"....

   7.a) Would someone like to tell the peanut gallery how many men died in Vietnam after Nixon started his "We can't just cut and run" PR campaign... Try 20,000 more men in body bags, folks...

8. Well, civil war will break out...

   8.a) Too late, it's all going strong...

So my question... Seeing as there there really isn't a decent excuse fir continuing this war and occupation why are we seriously talking about an exit plan? Sure somw will say that we are fighting terrorism in Iraq but the number of foriegner being killed in the insurgent movement is like negligaible compared to Iraqis... Not to fear, what few terrorists that might be in Iraq won't need to stay there after we are gone...

But this brings us to the point that others have made and ties into my about question...

If there's no apparent good reason for being there, it is not unreasonable to look at Iraq's oil as the motivating factor fir the contunued occupation???
