The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1616778
Posted By: Bobert
29-Nov-05 - 08:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!

As to yer points...

1. Don't be lookin' fir a big Sunni turnout and either way, the day before, the day of and the day after, Iraq will still be in a civil war that does not offer any future protection of Sunnis... Hey, not that I'm in love with Sunni's but I'm less inlove with idea of loosing 5 Americans a day to protect tem either...

2. No, today's army in Iraq is there based on a combination of the "Now Child Left Unrecruited" Act and something that the US hasn't done in my life time: "Stop loss" where you ahve 50 year olds in Iraq who thought they had done their time a long time ago...

3. How do you know about the moral of the troops in Iraq??? Oh yeah, you saw it on TV... Gee, can't argue with TV...

4. Zarqawi??? Hmmmmm, can't find Osoma so now ya gotta have a new Boggieman-da jour... Yeah, no boogie man??? That be bad... Always gotta have a boogie man... BTW, what nationality is Zarqawi???

5. Attacks are getting fewer? How come the American death tolls are rising??? As fir tactics, why fight to yer opponent's strength's???
MST, 101...

Sorry, W-gang, but these seemed to be purdy much powder puff questions on T-Lite's part...

I'm seriously worried about the boy when I can go thru his pop quizes like a hot knife thru butter... They used to be tougher???
