The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16985   Message #161686
Posted By: Patrish(inactive)
12-Jan-00 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Song of Long Ago (Carole King)
Subject: Singing a song of long ago
This could probably go into another thread, but as it was an so emotional in a musicy sort of way I thought I would tell you about it, or am I a compulsive threader.
Anyway....I got a belated christmas pressy last night from persons unknown - a copy of Carole Kings LP "Music" (1971)It had been my very favourite but was sadly lost when I lent it to someone who then gave it away to someone else. I put the music on (this version was on CD) and it randomly chose track 8 which just happened to be my very very favourite song. I had not heard it for 29 years and I still knew the words but could not sing for the feeling of being thrown back to being 16 again and just loving the music and words and crying big silent tears
"loving the people I've befriended and singing a song of long ago"
Then the phone rang and you've guessed it it was the my mate Christine who is not to be trusted in the lending of LP's department. She lives a long way from me and we don't keep in touch very often.
I listened to the CD twice over and track 8 about 4 times. My kids were not thrilled - but what the heck I have to suffer techno/house/funk.
It was a great evening Patrish