The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86663   Message #1617272
Posted By: Beer
30-Nov-05 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
Subject: RE: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
If your voting Bloc, Daylia and Dianavan, then your voting for separation. Why bring the Canadian flag Daylia? I'm sure you wouldn't want to promote the Bloc's drive for independance. That is their platform. This is the worst possible time for a federal election. The Bloc will gain seats, our lack luster jerk primer Jean Charest will continue to decline giving the separatist movement exactly what they want.

It was some time around 1885 that Louis Real was hung for treason. Now we have worst in parliament getting paid Canadian $$ and preaching the destruction of our country. Then they also get our Canadian $$ for their pensions. A hundred and so years ago they would have been hung. Today this may seem a little extreme, but do we have to recognize their party? Do we have to let them sit in Ottawa preaching independance. Do we have to give them pensions? I'm 48 years in Quebec and this is the first time that I am truly worried as to what the next few years will bring. If it sepearted I wouldn't want to live here. But then I do have a wife who was born in La Belle Provance so she would have to be willing to move as well. Not a good position to be in.

So I ask you two. Don't vote Bloc. Don't even talk about supporting them traitors.
Beer (Adrien Doucette)