The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86830   Message #1617380
Posted By: M.Ted
30-Nov-05 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Depression and Anxiety
Subject: RE: BS: Depression and Anxiety
I am not sure if you can call people who live and deal with depression on a daily basis amateurs, Ron--though I think you mean that this is a problem that "Heloise's Hints" won't solve, and our friend should get professional help--

To the good and useful insights above, I would add that drugs alone are not the answer, and that you should be seeing someone that you can talk to about the feelings that you're having, and also can help you to get back to living your life, instead of just worrying about it--

A word about "having so much that others don't have" and not appreciating it--keep in mind that on of the things that you have, that others don't, is an illness that causes you great discomfort--

it's OK to take care of yourself--and it's OK that you're not taking full advantage of whatever, or doing all the things that are out there to do, because you are not well, and you need to cut things back to a level that you can manage