The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86830   Message #1617541
Posted By: Bobert
30-Nov-05 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Depression and Anxiety
Subject: RE: BS: Depression and Anxiety
Now I make no bones about havin' gone thru one very intense 'bout with anxiety and depression and like Jerry did, I checked into an inpatient mental faility fir a couple of weeks... That was followed by various types of counselin' and some nasty pills...

But I wasn't really breakin' it grip on my life until someone told me, just as Clinton told you above, that exercise would help... Well, I'd always been a purdy good swimmer and so Im started swimmin' 5 days a week at the WMCA... It didn't take long and I was up to a couple miles a day and I'll tell ya what, the depression and axiety seemed to lesson with every day...

Now just two other things...

This time of year, presuming you live in the northern hemispere, you need more light... You can get a light panel that comes on with a timer and that will help... In some cases yer insurance will pay fir one of these light panels...

Secondly, as you have suffered off and on fir some time now... you need to keep in mind that it does pass...

You can do it... Exercize, light and a little Faith gonna get you thru it...

I promise...
