The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1617752
Posted By: Ron Davies
30-Nov-05 - 10:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!

Meant to tell you--you're nothing if not entertaining. In fact you've just won another award--Creative Interpretations In Foreign Policy--otherwise known as the Disneyland award--as in Fantasyland.

You can put it on your shelf--it'll look great next to your sophistry plaque. But the fans are still somewhat disappointed to have missed your acceptance speech--maybe you could combine the two.

So--Bush was just following Clinton's precedent--Bush as Clinton's puppet. Congratulations!---that is by far the most imaginative basis I've heard yet for Bush's invasion of Iraq. Keep up the good work!

But I thought Bush only took dictation from God. Does this mean Clinton is God? Isn't that idolatry? Sounds like there's a problem.

I suppose there is some plausibility to the idea that Bush had to follow Clinton's lead--after all we have yet to hear a coherent sentence emanate from Bush. Perhaps you're right-- it's too much to expect that Bush could think for himself. But what about his advisors? Can't they think either?

It's clear to any thinking being, at least on this side of the pond, that Bush and his "team", starting about mid-2002 and going up to Bush's invasion of Iraq, sought to portray to the US public a close linkage between al Queda and Saddam.

It's certainly understandable that, not being American, you have a hard time understanding US politics (though many UK Mudcatters understand just fine.)

However, it's rather baffling that you don't seem to understand English. I had thought it was your mother tongue.

Just to pick one of the statements made by the Bush "team",--it's what's known as a target-rich environment-- let's try the statement cited by Arne in his posting of 27 Nov 2005 6:45 PM.

Statement by Bush 8 Feb 2003. If you get out your calendar, count on your fingers and toes or whatever you need to do, you may possibly realize that this is before the Bush invasion of Iraq.

Statement as follows--remember--made on 8 Feb 2003---do you follow so far?

Statement: "Saddam Hussein has longstanding direct and continuing ties to terrorist networks. Senior members of Iraqi intelligence and al Queda have met at least 8 times since the early 1990's. Iraq has sent bomb-making and document-forgery experts to work with al Queda. Iraq has also provided al Queda with chemical and biological weapons training. And an al Queda operative was sent to Iraq several times in the late 1990's for help in acquiring poisons and gases."

No links between al Queda and Iraq?

Now if you sound these words out carefully and keep your dictionary close at hand, I'm confident you can eventually figure out what is being said here. But if by some chance you need a translation, I'm sure we can help you out.

If Bush did not endorse these sentiments, why do you suppose he didn't end this statement by saying "But we know now that all the above is false information, used by President Clinton to justify the cruise missile attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan"?

Somehow, he left this out.

So, it appears a logical mind--(perhaps this excludes you)--would conclude that in fact Bush himself believed what he had just said in this radio address.

Please let us know when this penetrates your skull.

It makes no difference if this statement, one of many along these lines by Bush and his minions, has no basis in fact. This is what he said.

Your quarrrel is with him, not us.