The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86830   Message #1618179
Posted By: GUEST,Been There
01-Dec-05 - 10:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Depression and Anxiety
Subject: RE: BS: Depression and Anxiety
GUEST,I'd rather not say, it looks like you're taking positive steps to handle the problem. That's good. More power to you.

I'm sorry for indulging in a bit of a snarl, but from past observations of a (fortunately) few people who occasionally hang out here, I'm not surprised by comments such as, "… the fucked up leading the fucked up." This is exactly why I choose to remain anonymous in this thread. Martin Gibson is one of these narrow minded people who assume that just because you've been through a sticky patch, you're henceforth "fucked up" permanently. Anytime you say something on some other thread that he disagrees with, he'll bring it up and try to whip you with it. He's done that sort of thing before. It shows just how "fucked up" he is.

I wouldn't wish it on a dog, but perhaps if Martin Gibson were to spend a day or so in that state of anxiety and depression that he seems to regard pretty lightly, it might humanize him a little. Teaching him a little empathy, which he seems to totally lack.