The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16988   Message #161838
Posted By: katlaughing
12-Jan-00 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: The future of Mudcat. What do YOU think?
Subject: RE: The future of Mudcat. What do YOU think?
Sounds great to me, Max! Jacob, I agree with you about the analogy; no one is compelled to listen (read) what some of us may be going on about in whatever type thread there is. ChetW, LeeJ, well put.

The only suggestion I have, which might make it easier for those with limited time, like Rick, to browse and who are most interested in music threads is to use a prefix designation for them, too, such as MR- for Music Related.

BS/OS threads are easily identifiable now because we usually use those at the beginning of the title. It would be just as simple to use MR at the beginning of every music thread, as a quick and easy way to identify them for quick browsing.

Of course using the filter, find function, detrace and trace as McGra(r)th **BG** (see, I am pronouncing it correctly, now!) pointed out works well, too.
