The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16951   Message #161910
Posted By: tradsteve
12-Jan-00 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: There's gotta be a song here! (Challenge: lentils)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!

We've dug ourselves a hole here in Golden Colorado
We've all this water that has nowhere to go
We let our fears get the best, now we've water to our chest
We've dug ourselves a hole in Golden Colorado

Take two or three baths a day and scrub behind your ears
Nothing left for you to do but wallow in your fears.
New Years was not that bad so shouldn't we all be so glad?
Now drink a glass and water the grass before it all goes bad.

Stockpiled spam can be a salty treat
Might as well wash it down with water while you eat.
Fill your pool nice and deep and hope the chlorine keeps
Have a heart and do your part in Golden Colorado

The water is a-ready and a-itchin' to be used
Waste it while it's there and ready to be abused
Use your toilet paper rolls and flush those toilet bowls
Flush us out of our hole in Golden Colorado

Two million gallons is an awful lot
But we thought by Y2K the computers would be shot
So waste the water while you can and lend a helping hand
Drink us out of our hole in Golden Colorado