The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86829   Message #1619350
Posted By: wysiwyg
03-Dec-05 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: No invisible means of support
Subject: RE: No invisible means of support
People who know me well know how strongly I believe in individual choice in all things.

I just would encourage and challenge non-theists to speak positively of what you DO believe (and as Art asks, WHY), instead of in terms of what you DO NOT believe... to say what you are for, less than what you are against... to speak as an A-theist or Non-theist or Pro-whatever-you-are-ist instead of using such terms to make a very thin veil over being ANTI-theist or Anti-religionist or anti-whatever-hurt-you-or-pissed-you-off.

I'm suggesting, with all due respect, that to expect PRO-anything people to shut up while people speak against their daily life experience is NOT the finest hallmark of tolerance you can logically expect if you are not able to say what you DO believe that is good and useful to you in YOUR daily experience, and can only attack, denigrate, and ridicule what others are living and believing.

That area of positive description is an area in which "believers" and "non-believers" share common ground. I'd love to meet you THERE.
