The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86893   Message #1619403
Posted By: zak
03-Dec-05 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is the U.S. guilty of war crimes?
Subject: RE: BS: Is the U.S. guilty of war crimes?
No GUEST I am not joking,There is no such thing as fairplay or human rights when it comes to war, The fact is we NEED to control middle east oil and the cost in human lives is irrelevant, dissidents should be(and are) discredited or disposed of, It is the law ofthe jungle. GW isnt of course personally responsible and he is just a figurehead, it is the great minds at the back of him that make the decisions, people who arent even in the public eye but pull the appropriate strings to ensure that america remains at the helm.
This was shown to great effect when despite all poll results and trends the election dramatically swung from Kerry to Bush at the last minute. of course it didnt realy but electronic voting has enabled us to stay on track and finish what we started. WE must NEVER I repeat NEVER be diverted from this noble cause, No matter how many die it is worth it for the future of america and indeed mankind.