The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86829   Message #1619566
Posted By: Bill D
03-Dec-05 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: No invisible means of support
Subject: RE: No invisible means of support
I've been sitting here for over an hour, trying to compose an approach to answering Susan's basic question and her plea for a more positive attitude....and it just gets longer and longer......and the more I type, the more I NEED to type to explain & qualify and the more disclaimers I need to issue...*sigh*...

I can see I'm not gonna get it like I want tonight...maybe never....and I have one more day at a craft show tomorrow. I have what I have written saved, and if I can sort it out, I'll get back to it tomorrow night. (It helps ME refine my thoughts, even if it is tedious to most of you...*grin*)

(Susan does ask us to do something which, if possible, could be very important, and I find it difficult to do it well. I am trying to explain why)