The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86893   Message #1619569
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Dec-05 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is the U.S. guilty of war crimes?
Subject: RE: BS: Is the U.S. guilty of war crimes?
I am well aware of the impact China is having. It has affected my material costs on manufactured product, and it's just beginning. We have tough times ahead indeed on this planet of dwindling resources. The only thing that could save us would be a universal outbreak of brotherhood! Instead, we appear to be headed for further war and competition. Like I said, I am sad for the young people, specially in the poorer and less well armed regions of the World.

I look at the city of Toronto, still a rather nice city, and I see how badly it has deteriorated since the early 70's. I saw a photo of the downtown of some big Chinese industrial city the other day...mile after mile of high rise monoliths as far as the eye could see. I have never seen a more horrifying vista of urban over-development. It was frankly astonishing. All those Chinese are expecting to soon have the consumer goods we took for granted since WWII. Where will all that steel, oil, rubber, etc come from? The moon? Mars?   

People who insist on thinking only in competitive survival terms are sending this World into something really terrible. They're doing it because they are afraid of each other. They'd rather play to win than to share, but in this game there finally are no winners...if you play it out to its logical conclusion.

It would require massive peaceful action on an international level to turn things around. We need to lower the birth rate, simplify the lifestyle, distribute food and services more evenly, stop spending valuable resources on killing each other (or preparing to), and provide work and education for all people, not just those in favored enclaves.

How can you do that when people are terrified of one another, and convinced that other large groups of people are "foreigners" and therefore, in a sense, not deserving of the same rights one extends to one's own people? No one is a foreigner. We are all just one humanity. To think otherwise is to buy into a dream...well, no, a nightmare.