The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1619584
Posted By: Teribus
03-Dec-05 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Ron Davies - 03 Dec 05 - 05:47 PM - Fuck all absolutely nothing!!!

Ron Davies - 03 Dec 05 - 09:05 AM - Fuck all absolutely nothing!!!

Ron Davies - 03 Dec 05 - 08:41 AM - Fuck all absolutely nothing!!!

Ron Davies - 03 Dec 05 - 08:37 AM - Fuck all absolutely nothing!!!

Ron Davies - 03 Dec 05 - 08:33 AM - Fuck all absolutely nothing!!!

Now DO COME ALONG you complete and utter TWAT you have been asked to provide SOME SORT OF EVIDENCE to back up your arguement TO DATE YOU HAVE given us absolutely NOTHING - Now get the fuck on with it or shut the fuck up. I have at least attempted to answer your questions, from your side I have noted nothing to back up any statement that you have made.