The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86829   Message #1619741
Posted By: *daylia*
04-Dec-05 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: No invisible means of support
Subject: RE: No invisible means of support
PS ... I like reflecting on this quote from the Tao Te Ching

"Throw away holiness and wisdom,
and people will be a hundred times happier.
Throw away morality and justice,
and people will do the right thing.
Throw away industry and profit,
and there won't be any thieves.

If these three aren't enough,
just stay at the center of the circle
and let all things take their course"

And this one too. The Dalai Lama says he's used it all his life, to reflect upon when he needs courage facing mighty obstacles and seemingly hopeless problems. He says it reminds him of his life's purpose, and helps him sustain his determination.

"As long as space endures
As long as sentient beings remain
May I too live
To dispell the miseries of the world".

I'm wondering - do any of our onsite atheists or scientists or "religious" have a problem with that verse?