The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86545   Message #1620390
Posted By: Ella who is Sooze
05-Dec-05 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help! I have laryngitis..........cures?
Subject: RE: BS: Help! I have laryngitis..........cures?
quarter a lemon...

stick 3-4 clove heads in to the lemon

put in a tot of whisky/scotch or brandy (tot size your own choice)

Boiling water

Sweeten to taste with dollops of honey (4 dollops or more) dollop = teaspoon


Leave to infuse until not boiling hot but is fine to drink (tea temperature).

Drink (wait until it is the above temp!) - and leave the lemon in

Or... a lovely mixture...

1 glass
1 tot of brandy
half a glass of port (into same glass as brandy)
top up with lemonade (brandy, port and lemon).

A lovely smooth drink which reaches parts other cures don't.... go on, it's fab!

(only for over 18's)!

E. W. I. S