The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86976   Message #1620799
Posted By: Bobert
05-Dec-05 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: One more time, for Spaw, please
Subject: RE: BS: One more time, for Spaw, please
Well, I was gonna just let this one pass bvut my couzin Rufus and his wife, Rether May, stopped by just long nuff to read this thread so Rufus would like to say somethin'....

Mistr Spaz you need to get good beecauz I god a storee ta tell ya that yo aint believd an seeinz dat my wife sayz that her is related to di Reg boyz I think that you jus mite well stck roun ta here et


Ahhhh, Spawzer, hold the phone... Now Rther Mays gonna talk to ya...

Hello, Mister Spaw. Don't pay one bit of attention to either my dumbass husband or his dumbass cousin, Bobert. These two old goats think they know everything in the world but between you and me, between the two of them, a box of animal crackers has more sense. And, please, don't believe anything that Rufus says. He drinks a lot. So does Bobert. Might of fact, Saturday nights for them two knuckleheads usaully means drinking up behind the Sweet Springs Store until they fall out on the ground! Yeah, you folks have probably been duped into thinking that Bobert has a brain. Believe me, he doesn't. And as for those stories he likes to tell about me weighing 400 pounds and driving around in a Chevette with the driver's seat moved to the back? That is pure foolishness on his part. I drive a very respectable '99 model Caprice. That jackass Rufus is the one with the Chevettes. Why I married that man is perhaps a question for the ages, Mister Spaw? Hey, I graduated in the top 10 at Mary Washington University in 1976 with a degreee in Psycholgy which has come very much in handy6 in dealing with both of the psycopaths.

And as for being related to the Reg Boys? What a load of Bobert'sd imagination. He would love to be realeted to anyone whoes entire claim to fame revolved around flagilation or getting drunk.

I'm real sorry to hear that you are feeling poorly but trust you will recover fully so you can kick the crap out of my husband and his dillusional cousin, Bobert.

Retha (not Rether or Rethar or what ever else those two call me)

Now Bobert has one more thing to say.

Okay, Spawzer, don't pay no attention to that woman!!! Talk about dillusinal... She wrote the book... Hey, she was part right 'bout that upper ten at her college... Yeah, the way I heard it she was in the top ten in the ugly contest...

(Bobert, Bobert, Bobert... That ain't true... She was a real looker back then... Still ain't half bad...)

Nevermind that, Spawz... You just get yer butt well... Okay get everything attached to it well as well 'cause we ain't done yet...

