The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1620824
Posted By: Bobert
05-Dec-05 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Ahhhhh, do you do drugs, T???

I mean, what a lot of crap....

First of all, regime change and killin' upwards of 100,000 innocwent people are TWO different scenerios...

Hey, you wanta regime change??? Why not off Saddam???? Why won't you ever answer this basic question???? No, you want to talk endlessly about UN resolutions like they mean andanged thing... Tell ya' what, a UN resolution and 89 cents will get you a 12 ounce cup of coffee at the loacl convience store...

Now TO WIT: George Bush never actually linked Al Qeada with Saddam.... Bull feathers, apl... In one speech after another in the mad-dash-to-war referance of 9/11 were sprinkled in... Waht was that all about, T??? Just seasoning???

Now, T WIT (PartB): Saddam has been removed. Time to leave, right???

(Well no, BObert, we goptta do this and we gotta do that and we gotta have a McDonald's on every corner....)

Hmmmmmmmm> Like when will this endless list of reason of why we are in Iraq ever end???

(It won't, BObert... The US, which represents over 80% of the occupation forces, is in this thing for the long haul... Ain't about no reasons 'cept oil and stategic military reasons...)

This ain't 'bout Clinton, T-Distratcor, it's about yer man...

And, BTW, maybe you'd like to provide the peanut gallery with the troop percentages of the "34 different countries" that make up this coalition???

(No, BObert, T-Dodger prolly won't want them numbers made too public...)
