The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1621641
Posted By: Bobert
06-Dec-05 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Like I've pointed out to T-Digger....

When in a hole, quit diggin' but he don't listen...

The starnge thing here is that we were all 'round in the mad-dash-to-war... T_Amnesia must have forgotten that as he tries and tries to rewrite the way it went down...

Ahhhh, in the sellin' of the invasion of Iraq the world was bamblasted with referencwes to 9/11... I mean, like over the top bamblased, if bamblasted is even a word??? Bush and Cheney couldn't makie their case for war in Iraq without bringing up 9/11...

Ahhhh, I don't have the State of the Union text before me that the '16 words" were uttered but it would be interesting to how amy times Bush used the exact term "9/11" of the exact term "terrorist/s" in that speech....

Go back the Cincinitta speeech of Oct (11th???) (10th???) before the invasion and count up the "9/11" or "terrorist" references that were made by Bush...;

Only a very dillusional person would be so arrogant into thinking that he could convince a couple humdred folks on a website where the average age is 50 plus into thinking that they weren't alive in the mad-dash-to-war and therefore must not remember the way it went down...

(But Bobert... Maybe it isn't arrogance... Maybe T-Altzhiemers actually has forgotten that we were around 3 years ago)

Ahhhh, it has just occured to me that maybe T-Forgetfull might have gone thru some organic changes and if that is the case, I am deeply saddened...
