The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85625   Message #1622207
Posted By: LilyFestre
07-Dec-05 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Getting Ready For Winter
Subject: RE: BS: Getting Ready For Winter
Well, it seems winter is upon us. Today has been bitterly cold.

We have been heating the house primarily with the woodstove. The furnace has been used only on days like today when the house is just downright COLD. The plastic that we put on the outside of the windows is a tremendous help. There were also some air leaks that have been plugged full of canned foam stuff....two cans to be precise.

The furnace has just kicked on, there is a kick ass fire going in the woodstove and I have a radiant heat heater aimed in my general direction as I sit here and type...maybe it's me....I just can't get warm today.

We had the propane tank filled in July and currently it is still over 60%....hopefully that will see us through until at least February.
