The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16890   Message #162257
Posted By: Willie-O
13-Jan-00 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: Helen Creighton, and Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Helen Creighton, and Nova Scotia
Thing is, that's exactly the image they're using for that very purpose now. (I'm thinking of the TV commercials I saw last year featuring fiddler Kendra McGillivray).

I can sure think of better reasons to "delay the modern age" than to bring tourists.

Personally, I say, more power to 'em when a cultural icon such as Ashley MacIsaac, or a movie such as "Margaret's Museum", deviates from the "noble ancient Celts" tartan stereotypes that have been marketed as the real Cape Breton. It's the MARKETING that lies, we know it's NOT REALLY a quaint little backwater of happy fisherpeople, singing coalminers, and pit ponies rescued by small children...
