The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86976   Message #1622966
Posted By: katlaughing
08-Dec-05 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: One more time, for Spaw, please
Subject: RE: BS: One more time, for Spaw, please


Thanks, everyone.

Just talked to Karen. Not much new to report. She sounded very tired, she's doing too much, imo, BUT she is holding it together. She asked me to tell you all "Thanks, so much" and sends her love.

They were going to do another scope, today, because he was still having tarry stools, but just as she left this morning, they said the doctor had cancelled it. She doesn't know why, but his blood levels have been okay and he hasn't had any "movements" in the past day or so, so she thinks maybe they called it off to see if they've finally gotten the ulcers under control

He is still intubated and sedated, partly because of the intubation. When he was not sedated because the medicine in the bag was leaking out, instead of going in his I.V., he was lucid enough to write Karen a note which said, "It hurts, take it out."

No blood problem since they found the ulcers, except as noted above. His temperature is normal and Karen said his legs look the best she's seen them in years, probably because he has had them elevated all of the time!

He is still doing better on the BiPap, instead of O2, but they are putting him on CPap at night without supplemental O2, through the vent and his O2 sat rate stays good.

Karen apologised that she didn't have any new news! She is back at work, nights; then goes to Connie's to take Tris to school, then home to take care of the critters and sleep (not enough!), then gathers the boys after school to do a few things with them, then takes them back to Connie's and Michael's friend's house and off to the hospital to see Pat before she goes to work. Fortunately, her work is in a building next to where he is; she said it's only about twenty paces from her lab to him and the ICU nurses are great.

That's it folks. I asked Karen if she was worrying overmuch. She said, no, she's been here before and knows it does no good. I am proud of her and love them both so very much.

Thanks for your continued support. If anyone would like to send cards for when he is able to be aware, please PM me for the addy.
