The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87057   Message #1623188
Posted By: Big Mick
08-Dec-05 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
Gracious seems inadequate to describe this pearl of great worth. Imagine how excited I was to receive an invitation to the home of our greatest living folk artist? I was, I am sure, annoying as I could be in telling my friends that I got to go and sing here. But guess what happened. When I got there I found instead a wonderfully warm person who made me feel very welcome. Where is the icon? I found myself wondering.

Jean, IMO, is among our greatest living folk artists. Deservedly so, on the basis of the body of work and talents that she and George have shared with us all. But more importantly, they seem to me to be down to earth decent folks. I am stumbling here, but I guess I am trying to say that I am glad I got to go to the home of one of our greatest artists, but I am elated beyond description to have met such wonderful people. When one is near our Jean they don't feel intimidated, they feel the warmth of her generosity and spirit. One feels her encouragement when singing.

I wish you all the very best, my dear, and I hope to see you folks soon. I want you to meet my 13 year old daughter. I would like to do it before I give her a whupping with brambles...... ****chuckle**** For those that don't know what that comment is about, read Jean's book, "The Singing Family of the Cumberlands" And no, folks, before you get crazy, I don't really give my daughter whippings.

So a very happy birthday to you, Dear Jean. You are the best, and my life is better for having met you.
