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Thread #86221   Message #1623336
Posted By: GUEST,Arne Langsetmo
08-Dec-05 - 09:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!

If I repeat the sections of the speeches that I have referenced it is in the hope that you will read then, as opposed to relying on what someone else tells you was said....

I've read 'em. And heard 'em. Big stinkin' piles'o'crap. What I don't know is why you think I should read 'em agin. What am I missing there that's relevant to this discussion? Obviously rather subtle, seeing as you see the need to quote the whole damn thing to try and make your "point" agin.

... But no matter, if you remain unconvinced, I will continue to base my view on what was actually said than what I am told second-hand.

Unconvinced by Dubya's speeches. He was shown to be full'o'shite. By his own inspection team after the war. Is there something there that I'm missing other than an example of Dubya's mendacity and cluelessness?

Say, what do you think of this:

"Iran aggressively pursues these weapons and exports terror, while an unelected few repress the Iranian people's hope for freedom." -- Duyba (from your quote above).

Hate to say it, but Iran actually has elections (albeit the representative governing bodies are under the check of the mullahs in the end if they get too far out of line according to the mullahs). Compare and contrast to our "friends" there in ... say, Saudi Arabia ... and Jordan ... and Kuwait ... etc., etc. As for "export[ing] terror", IIRC, 15 of 19 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi. Strangely enough, in the U.S., thanks to Dubya's propaganda campaign, less that 20% of the people could correctly answer how many of the hijackers had come from Iraq.

Here's a lie, BTW:

"This is a regime that agreed to international inspections -- then kicked out the inspectors." Dubya on Iraq (same source).

The actual truth is that the inspectors left after being recalled, on the request of Clinton. Granted, Saddam didn't let them back in until 2002 again, but he wasn't the one that kicked them out (and there was that unfortunate situation with the U.S. using the inspections teams to put their spies into Iraq, which certainly didn't encourage Saddam to let them back in, and in fact gave him an excuse not to....).

More Dubya:

"States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world."

Not painting a picture of a Saddam/al Qaeda link, eh? No, couldn't be....

Another Dubya lie:

"We'll be deliberate,..."

OK, well maybe not a total lie, but certainly grossly inaccurate.

Then there's this:

"Our nation will continue to be steadfast and patient and persistent in the pursuit of two great objectives. First, we will shut down terrorist camps, disrupt terrorist plans, and bring terrorists to justice. And, second, we must prevent the terrorists and regimes who seek chemical, biological or nuclear weapons from threatening the United States and the world." -- Dubya.

Which you refer to:

Is perfectly entitled to mention any regime or country sponsoring terrorist causes and any terrorist organisation when referring to the United States of America's declared war on terror, he has defined the scope of it in the first paragraph quoted....

Here you're making the fallacy of bifurcation. You assume that Iraq must be one or the other of these in Dubya's mistaken view of things. Not so; logically, Dubya could -- and did try to make the case that Iraq was both of these things. And in fact, Iraq was pretty much neither of these things -- both grounds were pretty much bogus and based on horrible "intelligence". Which is why, for a while, the maladministration started harping on the (so-called) 'humanitarian' rationale for the invasion.....

So the Bipartisan House Security Committee and the intelligence and security agencies of the USA did not Identify the following Countries as posing a possible threat to the US through possible future provision of support (technical, financial, or material) to international terrorist groups: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba....

Cuba??? Well. That surely salts it. Nothing as dangerous as good 'ol Fidel, nosirree. Say, I keep forgetting. Where's that terrorist Orlando Bosch hiding out nowadays? Who's giving him asylum and thus supporting international terrorism. What about airplane bomber Luis Posada Carriles? Yep, time to go bomb and invade the country that provided these heinous mass muderers asylum, dontcha think?

But are we getting a bit weasely here, Teribus? "possible threat ... through possible future provision of support"? Anything like "weapons of mass destruction program related activities"? As I said way up top, time to go invade the Federated States of Micronesia, never can be too careful, yaknow. Or better yet, the Republic of Palau. I'll volunteer to scout out the beaches there as long as Uncle Sam pays the dime....

It's all a Pack of Lies is it Arne?...

No. pack'o'lies is the Dubya maladministration's hyping of piss-poor "intelligence" from people known to be frauds....

...Don't think so, FBI definitely thought so on 11th February 2003.

Ummmm, what did the FBI "definitely th[ink]" on 11th Feb., 2003? Do go on....

There was no propaganda campaign because there was absolutely no need for one Arne and your suppositions and analysis based on second hand information are totally unconvincing.

Already addressed this fallacy of yours. That the Dubya maladministration, acting rationally, shouldn't have engaged in a propaganda campaign is hardly evidence that they didn't. OTPH, we have much evidence that they did in fact do precisely this (adn for the reasons I mentioned above). You're sounding a bit like a broken record, Teribus. Time to get into a new groove of the "Dubya Apologia" vinyl Billboard topper....
