The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86197   Message #1623358
Posted By: Bobert
08-Dec-05 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Will Rise Again
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Will Rise Again
Hmmmmm, MG????

I don't fell like I've cught any of it... Heck, I've delvered some but none in my cather's mit...

Yo, 13 year old girl,

First of all, sorry for the typo where I called you a 134 year old girl... Actually from reading yer post, I'd swear you weren't a day over 93...

But, not to worry, 'cause this ain't got nuthin to do with nuthin... Yeah, I'm sure you are 13...

Problem is that you seem to have "liberals" pigeon-holed into these nice cookie cutter people that all think exactly the same...

Sorry, 13, but you are very much mistaken. Hope this doesn't ruin yer entire Christmas...

First of all, what makes you think that "liberals" are all for every danged Hispanic who has crossed into the United States is like the "Second Coming"??? Where did you get that idea???

The way I see it is that the Boss Hog's of America, 13, are the ones who have been so happy to see all this cheap-ass labor... Yeah they are the ones who have benefited the most by cheap labor... Afterall, it's Boss Hog who loves cheap labor 'cause then he can hold a bat over the head of average American who's just trying to get by...

Like I understand that you see the world thru the eyes of a 13 year old girl but coule you, would you elaborate on just why6 liberals, who have been traditionally pro labor, would support a few million "scabs" coming in to bust up what ever our working class had going for them???

Then, when you are done with that little exercise, maybe you could ask yer mommy or daddy on just how much it is going to raise yer mommy and daddies taxes to provide for these "scabs" and their families???

Uncle Bobert