The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87087   Message #1623614
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
09-Dec-05 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Extracting the Log
Subject: BS: Extracting the Log
There's a lot to be upset about in the world today. And plenty of reason to speak out. It's something we all have a responsibility to do, and I try to do my part.


While I am observingly so brilliantly why everyone else is screwing up this world, it's important that I put a certain amount of energy into each day trying to extract the log from my eye. The mote in other's eyes is somehow much easier for me to see. When I get right down to it, the biggest log in my eye is selfish love. That almost sounds like an oxymoron, but it's a daily reality. Loving without
selfish ulterior, motives is a challenge that I am often not up to. The thing is, as long as we all devote all of our spare time to observing the mote in other's eyes, this world will never get any better. You think it's hard to change the world?

Try to change yourself.

Still working on it..

Lumberjack Jerry