The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87087   Message #1623625
Posted By: John MacKenzie
09-Dec-05 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Extracting the Log
Subject: RE: BS: Extracting the Log
Well Jerry, who's to say you're barking up the wrong tree? We start off in our judgements from where we ourselves stand, and all such judgements are based on our own standards, which in their turn were probably largely derived from those of our parents.
To stand on that mythical point in space, with our long lever of morality and try to move this world, is something we all want to do, but we are open to the interpretations of others as to our motives.
It must always boil down to the aphorism 'To thine own self be true' as only in that way will you be happy with your own actions, and at the same time hopefully set the rest of this world a good example.
Lots of things wrong in the world that I'd like to change, but who's going to listen to me. Doesn't stop me putting my tuppence worth in, and hoping I might just influence something or someone.
Life is just a value judgement really.