The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17018   Message #162363
Posted By: Les B
13-Jan-00 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: Performers Workshop
Subject: RE: Performers Workshop
Good thread, Don. I've wondered about the same question. I'm in a group that sometimes plays at historical venues, where a town is having "frontier" days, etc. We try to dress appropriately for the 1860's to 1880's e: top hats, bowlers, vests, watch chains, ruffled shirts, boots, etc. But, I feel really weird dressing that way in more modern venues, even though we're playing somewhat the same set list. You've really got to match the costuming to the event.

I also see a lot of acts come through the small performance theater I work for, and you're right -- some groups look like they lost their luggage!! I find it somewhat insulting. Even for modern, hip, laid-back audiences, a group should dress up a little, not jeans with holes in the knees! I've seen this "casual" look in everything from rock to jazz to bluegrass groups and they all come off as not caring for the audience.

I've mentioned these feelings to the group I play in, and they always turn up looking decent -- not dressed the same, but dressed up. It really helps the group energy. Whether or not we should all adopt the same "uniform" is another matter. It's expensive and takes away from individuality. Still pondering that.