The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87089   Message #1623635
Posted By: Janie
09-Dec-05 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seed Catalogs comin' in the Mailbox
Subject: BS: Seed Catologs comin' in the Mailbox
This coming year was the year I was going to seriously cut back.

Can't take care of all the beds. Drought so bad this fall I didn't even plant a fall veggie garden. The lettuce, kale, etc. seeds I ordered just sitting in their packets and bags. No flower or veggie beds cleaned up and mulched for winter. No crimson clover sown. Pots of very dead geraniums and coleus lining my front steps--not one single pansy did I plant this fall. Not one tulip mail-ordered for my annual New Year's Day bulb-planting ritual.

Too busy. Too tired. Too stiff in the joints.

But....the seed catologs are starting to arrive. I'm starting to dream and drool of lush veggie gardens and flowerbeds awash in wind and bloom....asked for a gift certificate from Gardener's Supply or Smith & Hawkin from Santa Claus....when I imagine taking out some of the flowerbeds, I hear the plants and the neighbors weeping in sorrow. Been looking at photos from 2 and 3 years ago, when it really was stunningly beautiful out there...thinking....if I thinned that....moved that....maybe this year it will rain when it needs to...hmmm...says here that this plant likes it dry....maybe I could cut back some on work hours at the clinic (LOL!)....

My name's Janie, and I'm a gardeneraholic. Ya' with me? Wanna swap seeds or catalogs?

Janie, the hopeless case.