The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87089   Message #1623675
Posted By: Janie
09-Dec-05 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seed Catalogs comin' in the Mailbox
Subject: RE: BS: Seed Catologs comin' in the Mailbox
This is a closed meeting of "Gardenholics Anonymous." If you believe you have an addiction to gardening you are welcome here. We are a group of people who come together to share our experience, strength and hope to enable others to also become addicted to growing plants, irrespective of climate zone and annual rainfall. (See testimonials above.)

1. We admit we are powerless over bermuda grass in our garden beds, that we can not pass up a tray of seedlings.

2. We admit the neighbors really wish we would get rid of the huge pile of black pots next to the compost that we are sure we will need some time.

3. We admit that we will do everything in our power to get other people to start gardening so that we can pass on perfectly good plant divisions that otherwise must be composted.

4. We admit that we don't care if the family can not possibly consume that much loose leaf lettuce--it just looks so pretty out there in the veggie garden.

5. And yes, we admit that we do NOT need 100 each of 30 different varieties of plants and veggies, but you don't expect me to waste all those seeds do you?

6. We became willing to let house go dirty and family go hungry to grab a few more hours of time in the garden.

7. We admit our children are late for school when we bump into a fellow gardener at the coffee shop.

8. We believe digging in the dirt is good for what ails ya'

9. We believe the $400 birdbath is a good investment--it should be worth some bucks to the kids at the estate sale (if it doesn't crack and craze from winters outside.)

10. We do not care that good, organic onions and potatoes can be bought for less than we can grow them.

11. We vow never to drive past a cute little Mom&Pop Garden Center on our way to or from the beach.

12. When we die, don't embalm us. Put our ashes in the compost or plant a tree over top of our graves.