The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87089   Message #1623691
Posted By: MMario
09-Dec-05 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seed Catalogs comin' in the Mailbox
Subject: RE: BS: Seed Catologs comin' in the Mailbox
we've been in the house 33 years. 9 gardens have been abandoned/destroyed. 22 - oops - 23! (I forgot one) remain. He was too ill last year to put in a new garden. So except for one year - yup - annual gardens. Occasionally he will do something in them - but usually if he doesn't put in a new garden confines himself to planting a new tree smack in the middle of my mowing pattern.

Of course this doesn't count the rhodies along the drive, the rhodies along the edge of the wood, the burning bushes on the other drive, and the occsional tree. NOr the two "lilac islands" or the island in the pond, or the 3 water gardens, or the "swamp garden" or the 1/2 acre of waterlilies and lotus or the...

my veggies didn't do nuttin' this year - but I did get some very nice flowers. And the roses did wonderfully - which was a shock as we've never managed to overwinter any before.