The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87087   Message #1623931
Posted By: Peace
09-Dec-05 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Extracting the Log
Subject: RE: BS: Extracting the Log

If you ARE beating yourself up, we have to have a long talk. There are few people I have ever met who give love as freely as do you. I know that. If you can't see that about yourself then indeed you have a log in your eye. However, anyone who knows you will argue with you. You are one of the finer people I have ever met--I know you think we didn't meet and I think we did, so let's write that off to aluminium in the diet or something--and anyone who bad-talks my friends is gonna need a brief cuff upside the head. Capiche! (Notice please the exclamation mark.)