The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87087   Message #1623998
Posted By: Allan C.
09-Dec-05 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Extracting the Log
Subject: RE: BS: Extracting the Log
Some years ago, I had an opportunity to look at this from the other side, sorta. My parents, my brother and I were living overseas. We had just completed the building of what we thought was a rather marvelous Heathkit (remember them?) stereo (a somewhat new concept at the time,) amp, tuner, and record player. Only a few days later, Dad's boss came to the door with an armload of brand new stereo LP's he had picked up in the States while he was there attending some sort of conference. We were all taken aback by this wonderfully timely and most thoughtful gift. I saw my father fumble for the words with which to express his thanks. Before Dad could speak, his boss said, "Thank you for affording me an opportunity to do you a favor."

Neither before nor since then have I ever heard a more wonderful way of letting someone know how great it is to be blessed with the chance to offer an expression of love.

Did Dad's boss do it without having any idea how much it would be appreciated? Did he do it without suspecting that he might get a good feeling from having done it? Who cares? What does it really matter? It was an act of love, pure and simple.

P.S. I think Janie is onto something.